Annual Conference Session FAQs

Who is expected to attend Annual Conference?

Designated/elected lay members from local Great Lakes GMC congregations, Great Lakes GMC clergy, ordinands and their family/friends/congregation members, those being recognized as transitional local pastors, ministry candidates, interested members of Global Methodist congregations, and United Methodists who are considering whether the Global Methodist Church might be a good spiritual home for them. Everyone is welcome to register and attend.

Pay attention to the special Youth Ministry Track at Annual Conference (and a GREAT DEAL for youth and youth group leaders who bring 2-3 from their congregation along with them)

And children?

Of course! We have an excellent children’s ministry team and program.

Is every person who attends permitted to vote during the business session of the conference?

While the conference business session is a relatively small part of the schedule for our time together, only lay members elected by their local churches as well as clergy are entitled to vote during the business session.

Voting Members of the Convening Conference are all active clergy members as well as Senior Status clergy who have notified the Annual Conference at least 90 days prior to the session that they intend to vote as well as attend. Lay members are to be elected by the local church on the basis of one lay person for each clergy appointed to a local church.

What about “lay equalization”?

Per the Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline of the Global Methodist Church, paragraph 610:

“The voting membership of an annual conference shall be composed of active deacons, elders, and senior clergy who meet the qualifications of ¶ 418, as well as at least an equal number of lay members elected by each charge or by the district or annual conference. Each charge shall be entitled to as many lay members as it has appointed clergy. The annual conference may add lay members of the annual conference who are serving in conference leadership positions. The annual conference shall determine the method of electing additional lay members to equalize the number of clergy members. The Leadership Council of the Great Lakes Provisional Annual Conference will be contacting the various districts to add lay delegates as needed.

How will we vote during the business and delegate election portions of the Annual Conference Session?

We have contracted with VPoll, an organization that is supporting most of the other GMC annual conference sessions. Using VPoll allows us to vote using our smartphones, tablets, or laptop computers. It is a very cost-effective and efficient way for us to conduct the business portion of our session. A staff member from VPoll will be present during our business and election sessions to provide technical assistance as needed. For those who do not use a smartphone, tablet, or laptop computer, a handheld voting device will be provided if you request it. Check the appropriate box on the registration form if you want VPoll to provide you with a handheld voting device.

What legislation will we be considering at the Annual Conference?

The items for consideration will be available online as of May 7th.

Resolutions or petitions may be submitted for consideration during the business session of the Annual Conference. The online form for submitting a resolution or petition will be available in mid-April. The deadline for submitting a resolution or petition is April 30. Please note: those submitting the resolution or petition may be contacted by the legislation coordinator of the annual conference to discuss the petition/resolution and perhaps recommend a conversation with the committee/leader/group for whom the resolution/petition seeks to provide direction.

What about the “breakout sessions”?

We have an excellent line up of breakout session leaders…there are nine breakout sessions that will each be offered three times during our Annual Conference. We suggest that the pastor and lay member from each congregation make a selections when you arrive so you can attend six of the nine sessions, depending upon your interests and the needs of your local church.

What about lodging?

We are glad that Indiana Wesleyan is hosting our annual conference. Campus housing provides various options at a very competitive rate per person per night. Hotel options close to the campus are somewhat limited, but we have provided a link to an agency reservation service on our registration form if registrants want to consider hotels in the larger area.

What’s the Difference between the Five Meal Plan and the Seven Meal Plan during the Annual Conference?

The difference is two meals (okay, sorry). The Seven Meal Plan include all meals during the Annual Conference:

Lunch and Dinner on Wednesday, June 5

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Thursday, June 6

Breakfast and Lunch on Friday, June 7

The Five Meal Plan does not include breakfast on either Thursday and Friday.

For early risers who want a “simple breakfast”, the McConn Coffee Shop in the Barnes Student Center is open at 7 am. In addition, if you get the Five Meal plan and then decide you’d like breakfast in the Baldwin Dining Room, you can pay ala carte cost to the dining room attendant ($6.00 at time of this writing).

Is it true that children and youth can come to the Annual Conference FREE (or nearly Free)?

The Connectional Funding of the Great Lakes Annual Conference allows us to offer registration, housing, and meals to children and youth at no cost (okay, actually $20 registration for youth – but housing and meals at no cost for them, too).

In addition, local church youth leaders bringing 2 or more youth from their church are also FREE (no cost for the youth leader registration, meals, or housing…let’s face it, they will be in student housing with the youth…nearby, but not in the same Lodge unit).

How about cats and dogs?

The question of whether all cats and dogs go to heaven is sometimes hotly debated, but no cats or dogs (actually, no animals) are permitted in IWU student housing during our annual conference session --- with the exception of service animals who are always welcome.

How can I help at the Annual Conference?

Check the "I'd Like to Volunteer While I'm at the Conference" box. We'll send a separate email with volunteer opportunities, schedule for serving, and times/places for orientation. Make our choice, select a T-Shirt Size, and send it back. We'll confirm volunteer teams and orientation times around May 22 in an email to those volunteering.

The Great Lakes Provisional Annual Conference includes four states, several generations, both rural and urban churches, as well as large and small congregations.

Will the worship times together feature old favorite hymns or familiar, newer, contemporary worship music?

Yes! We expect Holy Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring worship that includes all of us. Our times of worship will allow us to unite our voices using familiar hymns as well as contemporary worship songs.

I’m an ordinand. What do I need to know?

  1. If you have remaining paperwork or any portion of the application for ordination/credentialing yet unfinished, it’s time to get crackin’. Contact Rev. Samuel Padgett if you have questions on your status (

  2. Ordination Rehearsal is Thursday afternoon, June 6, at 4 pm in Phillippe Performing Arts Center Auditorium

  3. The ordination service is scheduled for Friday afternoon, at 1:30 pm in the Phillippe Performing Arts Center Auditorium. Childcare will be provided for preschool aged children. Older children are invited to attend the ordination service.

More Questions?

Contact Melissa Padgett, Administrative Assistant for the Great Lakes Conference. She will either have the information or will forward your email to the appropriate person.